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3 sure reasons why bookkeeping is important in business

When I was in high school, many decades ago, my options for a career choice were receptionist, secretary or bookkeeper. These were my choices in the mid-1970’s.

Unless you were a female with a high 90 average and a strong desire to aspire to be a professional in a male world, this is where most of us ended up. I felt these 3 choices were belittling at the time.

Not any longer! In short, my marks were low averages, but my hard work won me a position as manager of a restaurant at the age of 20. Instead of educational greatness, it seemed I had potential for business greatness. I ended up being a manager/bookkeeper for my first 20 years of a working career.

Next thing I knew I was on my way to owning my own business in my late 30’s. The many businesses and many sets of numbers I worked on gave me the experience to open my bookkeeping company in 2001.

Here are my 3 main reasons why bookkeeping is important to a successful business:  

  1. Successful business owners always have good professionals supporting them. These professionals include accountants, corporate lawyers, financial planners and business coaches. Every single one of these professionals, in order to do their job properly, must see the financial reports.

  2. If a business owner is going to be successful, the owner must analyze and review then umbers constantly and consistently. You can’t grow your business if you don’t know your numbers.

  3. Bookkeepers are all about the details. Bookkeeping is still undervalued in small business and the time it takes is extremely underestimated. Bookkeepers take control of the paperwork and manage the Revenue Canada obligations. These are duties most business owners either don’t have the time or experience to take care of themselves. 

A quality bookkeeper is worth their weight in gold! If you are one, pat yourself on the back and feel good about your importance in business. If you are a business owner and you know you have a great bookkeeper say “Thank You!” Your financial life is in their hands more than you can possibly imagine.


Sandi Holst
Bruce Peninsula Business Alliance Inc.
Phone: 519-719-4654

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