Our mission is all about “Live, Work and Play” on the Bruce Peninsula. Servicing North, Grey and South Bruce Counties.
Our newly formed corporation is designed to be a one-stop hub for business owners. BPBA Inc., is founded by Wilfred Laman (Owner of Lion’s Head Beach Motel & Cottages Inc.) and Sandi Holst (owner of The Holst Continuum Inc., and Tobermory Fine Arts).
We both come with 4 decades of business experience that we know will be an asset to the Bruce Peninsula. BPBA Inc. is a subscription driven support service. Members will have access to a group insurance plan that is second-to-none, supplier discounts, educational webinars and fun networking events.
We provide support and solutions to your everyday challenges. As an “Alliance” we can identify common priorities with the municipalities and be a voice that will be heard. We promote all industries in the region. Members can show case their business, advertise, offer customer discounts, write articles about their business sector and be visible to locals and visitors from all over. We can offer important introductions, keep you updated on the latest Federal and/or county business grants, but most importantly we act as a hub and partner with you in business so that you can do what you do best.
BPBA Inc. has also developed the “SAUGEEN/BRUCE PENINSULA PLEDGE” (Modelled after The Icelandic Pledge) to preserve and protect our unique natural environment. Read more about the pledge
BPBA Inc., is designed to be a conduit for year-round residents, promoting visitor experiences throughout the entire region and a support center to help everyone find the right business that fits your needs.
Please consider subscribing. We look forward to building our business relationship with our subscribers.
We meet with our clients and discuss their needs and goals in order to find a product or develop a saving plan best for them. We are not tied exclusively to one company and are able to search the market to find the most suitable investment and insurance products for our clients.
We help our clients avoid financial hardship with products such as life insurance, mortgage insurance, critical illness insurance, and disability insurance. We offer travel and health insurance we well.
For businesses we offer group health insurance benefits, life insurance for buy-sell agreements, key person insurance for businesses, life insurance policies for holding companies in corporations.
⊂Learn More⊃

This is our BRAGGING spot and why not!
Most of us have a tendency to focus on what is going wrong rather what is going right. And, many times we genuinely forget to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. Here at BPBA Inc. it was decided we would like to change that.
If you have something to brag about, to shout out a good thing that happened or you have a success story, then we would like to hear from you.
Send us an email with the details and a picture and we will get it posted.
Owning a business is a daunting task at times and your municipality is here to help you. There are many support programs, educational webinars, training workshops and local grants to help you with the success of your business.
At the same time, we as business owners can work along side municipal staff for the greater good of the community, it’s businesses and residents. In essence we are not a thorn in their side, but an extension of their team.
BPBA is an alliance.
We support the needs of the many, not the needs of a few. Working with the municipality we can together build a stronger community for ourselves and future generations.
If you need help with something, please connect with us and we will assist or lead you to the go to person.
People inspire people.
If you are in business, it is a must to have a website. A website is your calling card and most people looking for your products or services will search for you on the internet well before they even decide to connect with you.
Websites do not have to cost thousands of dollars. Sometimes all you need is one page to showcase what you do. A couple of paragraphs of content, a few pictures and your contact information many times is all you need.
With BPBA, your page will not look “home-made”. Our website experts will have your page looking professional and beautifully creative as well.
Buy One page for only $749.00 + HST.
- We register webspace and domain with you in your name (direct billing from our partner)
- Logo Design / Logo Refinement
- 5 individual photos of your business
- individual one page website
- up to 50 individual email addresses
- SEO for your new website (search engine optimization)
- links to social media
- 1 hour training lesson "how to update my website"
- you will have full access and receive all passwords
- annual hosting fee: $50 - $150 (depends on plan and domain name)

This is a place where you can build business relationships. Networking has proven to be one of the best foundations to building your business.
People really do inspire people.
Our networking events are uplifting, educational and most importantly fun. For now, you can enjoy our monthly networking sessions in the comfort of your own home.
Receive the latest updates in your community, listen to a guest speaker or two and ask questions or offer support in our open forum. MORE

When the time is right, BPBA intends to put on events that can bring us altogether again. To network, learn about each other’s businesses and inspire one another.
We want to offer up sponsorship opportunities that serve the good of your local community.
Our door is always open. Give us a shout if you have a great suggestion.