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Zoom Meeting Notes August 24, 2021

Business to Business Network
Live, Work, Play on the Bruce


  • Introduction(s)
  • Why BPBA came into existence
  • Intentions
  • Long-term goals
  • Feedback


  • Professional backgrounds and experience of both Sandi Holst and Wilfred Laman
  • Self introductions of meeting attendees.

Why BPBA came into existence

  • We felt there is a need for a Business to Business Network to accommodate all industries and the entire Bruce Peninsula.
  • In our research we felt that an Alliance would work bringing business owners together for the good of the region and community to support each other.

Our Intentions

  • To bring seasoned and new entrepreneurs to the table to support new business owners.
  • Education:  Many new business owners only know a small percentage of the business pie.  The Alliance can offer support and educational seminars to make their journey easier
  • Monthly zoom meetings and in person network meetings (Post Covid) where members can show case products and/or services. Meetings will have designated speakers and the ability to network.
  • This is a place for all new and seasoned business owners.  It is a place to have a voice, be a forum for challenges and support each other.
  • We can support community events and eventually plan to have a few of our own.
  • It is our intention to be a hub for business owners where they can be a part of a community organization.  
  • Members will have a chance to meet other business owners, advertise, offer up their own discounts, write articles, be a speaker, receive support and simply be a part of an organization that with time mean something to the community.


  • Members will have access to:

(These are just a few. If a member asks a question, we seek out the answer)

    • bookkeeping coaching
    • tax strategies
    • business coaching
    • growth strategies
    • exit planning
    • websites for less
    • receive discounts from other members
    • weekly educational blogs
    • group insurance plans
    • business insurance options
    • social media strategies
    • technology updates

Long-term goals:

  • 300+ members year one.
  • Divide into regions on the Bruce and Grey Counties.
  • Be a leader in the community people want to be a part of.
  • Bring fun into the business world by organizing two events per year. 
  • To be bring business owners together so we can make a difference.

Discussion and Feedback

There were some great positive comments:

  • Bruce County was pleased about this and offered up suggestions and people to connect with.
  • Great discussion about seasoned business owners already had gone through the school of "Hard Knocks". 
  • Funding Raising abilities in the community.
  • There was feedback that there is a gap that could be filled by the Alliance and a place where a voice could give suggestions and be heard.
  • In conclusion, the feedback was positive and some where excited about this step forward.

Contact Us

100% Canadian
phone: 905-518-6235

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